Saturday, August 18, 2018


The cleaning lady was at our house Thursday. Friday afternoon Ryker chased the cat into the kitchen and fell flat on the hip he broke he May. He immediately started crying, but a few minutes later, he was up and walking. Saturday I noticed he was limping around the house. Sunday he refused to put weight on his hind foot, so Wes took him to the vet in Nashville. $100 later we learned he cracked his plate. Monday Wes returned to the vet for a surgical consult. Another $100 and the vet recommended we put him on strict bed rest for three weeks. To aide in this impossible endeavor, we were given an Rx for sedatives.

We are now at the end of week one of bed rest. The poor puppy cries in his sleep, sighs when we leave to go on walks without him, and carries the saddest eyes. No amount of his favorite meal or endless supplies of bully sticks make up for his lack of freedom. Ryker has no idea how much we have done to save his life!

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