Friday, August 10, 2018

Friday Family Fun

We survived the first week of school. It’s Friday night and we barely have the energy to get off the couch.  Evan is already stressed about his workload. Keagan is already tired and says he misses his day naps. I’m already over cooking dinner. I came home to cheese sticks, cilantro, and one tortilla. So Wes ordered Chinese take out and then we drove to Nashville for a NSC game.

Evan talked constantly during the game about everything and anything. Did you know eating one piece of pizza is equivalent to drinking two cups of grease? Did you know the saying “using 10% of your brain” is a myth? Using 90% even means certain death. How about the myth that children don’t have a preferred learning style, or that psychology is an unscientific science but still believable? One more. Earth may really be two parallel plains instead of a sphere. I can’t forget this one. The Bible never claims that marrying a cousin is a sin but it should since you are playing Russian roulette with your offspring.

After three hours of this, Keagan completely exasperated asked, “Just how many facts do you know? And when do you find the time to learn them?” 

Then just as we were pulling off the interstate and back to the Farm, Keagan made the comment that he’s been thinking about the cause for the Hiroshima shadows ever since he learned about them last year in history class. Crickets. Evan was stumped; he could not contribute an opinion because he was not familiar with the WW2 event. Finally! Keagan couldn’t wait to pull out his phone (who am I kidding? They had to pull out Evan’s phone because Keagan’s screen is so badly cracked - again) and teach Evan something new! Evan was duly impressed. 

Who needs to watch soccer when you have these two to entertain you?

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