Thursday, August 23, 2018

School Fail

Evan is the only kid in his circle of friends in Tennessee who can read and write cursive. That’s because his fourth grade teacher in Georgia taught it. Keagan got one day of cursive handwriting on the last day of fifth grade. All 52 letters crammed into one handwriting lesson. To this day, Keagan can’t read or write in cursive. I had big plans to teach him two summers ago, but one mention of “teach” and I received all kinds of push back. I don’t think he came out of the playroom for 72 hours the first few days of summer in fear I’d corner him at the breakfast table and start with cursive lessons. 

This week all of his birthday cards have had sweet messages written in cursive. Today he’d had it! He opened a card, couldn’t read the message, threw the card to the side and exclaimed, “I feel like an African slave unable to read or write.”

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