Tuesday, April 6, 2010

On the Look Out for Hot Chicks

Our last day of spring break was Monday, and while the boys were upstairs playing, I overheard this conversation.

K: Let's go find us some hot chicks and kiss them.
After various car noises, I hear them shuffling their feet to destination aka "Hot Chicks" - all of about four feet down the hallway. The conversation continues.
K: Here we are, Evan. Find a hot chick.
E: Hum...I don't like any of these girls.
K: But this one has blond hair.
E: I like girls with brown hair best.
K: This one is kinda brown.
E: They need to have LONG brown hair.
K: What about this one?
E: Yeah, but she has a big nose.

I may have a tendency to exaggerate now and again, but I could not have made this up if I tried. 

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