Friday, April 2, 2010

Brookgreen Gardens

You know it has been a great vacation when you have lost all sense of time and you have no idea the day of the week. Day 6? Day 7? I don't remember, so I titled today's entry as the name of the place we visited. 

We spent the morning at the indigenous animal zoo located at the back of the park, and because it was feeding time, the boys aided the zookeeper with feeding the birds living in the aviary. Evan was hoping for a close encounter with the red fox, but that was not to be. 

The gardens were beautiful with random pieces of sculpture art hidden among the live oak trees, daffodils, and tulips. Wes took some time to take pictures. Meanwhile, I was left to explain the significance of Greek gods, and more importantly, the reason for their lack of clothing. Then we found the goddess Diana, and I tried to explain the story of the hunter who found her bathing and how she turned the hunter to a stag. That blew Evan's mind and I spent five minutes trying to explain that it wasn't really a true story, but it is a story that people all over the world have heard and know. He then said, "Are you trying to tell me it is a myth?"

It was at that point that I realized that my seven year old son is more articulate than I. 

And this experience was just as eye opening for me as last night's conversation was for Wes. Evan was able to identify, explain and provide back ground information for the pop singer Justin Bieber to Wes, and because Evan was more versed in some pop music artist, Wes was in a semi-state of shock. He continually asked, "Did that just happen to me? When did I get old?"

After dinner tonight we headed back to the hotel for smores in the courtyard. With live music playing, Keagan entertained the crowds with his "Secret Dude Dance." It was at this point in the night that I realized Keagan has begun a real fascination with dancing. It is a really good thing that he can play soccer well and run like a gazelle because dancing on the center stage is not really what I have in mind when I dream big dreams for my younger son.

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