Monday, April 26, 2010

It Pays to Read

Evan came home today with this surprise! Someone realized that with our thrice weekly trips to the local Target, there was no other place that was more appropriate to receive a gift card. Evan says he earned it for reading the most during "REACH Week". Since that occurred back in February during the blizzard, I am not really sure this is accurate. However, during that week long break from school, we did spend the majority of our time inside, in front of the fire, with a book. I guess all the other kiddos were not as inclined and were actually playing in the snow. In any event, because of the gift card, we are now the proud owners of about twenty Mighty Beanz.

What are Mighty Beanz you ask? After an evening of having them repeatedly roll off the kitchen table onto the hardwood floors, after watching them thrown and crashed into one another in some sort of "game", and after enduring the list of physical descriptions of all twenty, I am still not sure. But it must have been something special because when Evan came home with them, Keagan was full of OOOOOOHHHHS and AAAAHHHHS.

I feel pretty confident Evan will have a handful at any given moment this week. Anyone up for a riveting game of Mighty Beanz?

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