Thursday, April 1, 2010

Magi Quest

There was a day where I vividly remember saying that I would never take Evan to play Magi Quest again.

I lied.

When we gave the boys a list of options of things to do while on vacation in Myrtle Beach, there was no hesitation when both boys voted to spend a morning at Magi Quest. And because I didn't think I could survive another quest with Evan in search of a rune (what are runes anyway?), I almost told them it was closed in order to avoid it all.

But despite my previous experience at Great Wolf Lodge with quests, adventures, and runes, I accepted the challenge. I almost ruined the best family vacation ever with this little decision.

Evan had two major melt downs. If you haven't played the game, then you will be lost with the following pieces of terminology - vocabulary that only a master magi can truly appreciate, but we had tears and feet stomping because Evan couldn't find the yellow crystal. It was at this point that our team of four became a team of two, and Wes officially paired Evan and me together. Then to make matters worse the Code of Wizardy eluded him in the very next quest. This meant more tears and more feet stomping. The poor guy just can't handle a good ole' challenge from an imaginary wizard who lives in The Circle of Rocks. There was just a minor breakdown when we couldn't zap the portal star, and I almost broke the wand over the shelves of the castle library when I couldn't locate the slime necessary for the healing rune. I should have known that pairing the two high strung members of the family as a team was a bad idea. Wes and Keagan played the game like they had years of experience. 

However, Evan and I collected five runes - more than team Cool Cats. It was an added bonus that we lived to tell you about it!

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