Sunday, April 11, 2010

Driver's License Game

In February we drove to Georgia to house hunt. It was a nine hour drive and we were looking for something to occupy the time - something besides another episode of Ben10 or Scooby Doo. I introduced the License Plate Game (or Driver's License Game as the boys call it), and we began a competition, albeit small competition, to see who could find the most plates from different states.

It didn't take long for Evan to catch on. He was soon finding them faster than I did. After five hours, I wondered if introducing the game was a really good idea because as soon as I dozed off in the front seat, he would yell "Oregon" or some other state name from the back seat and my desire to sleep was overcome with my desire to win the game. And after the fifth explanation that Pittsburgh, as in Pittsburgh Steelers as a license plate holder, was not a state, I allowed it to be a state in the name of peace and my own well being.

Even now we will walk through a parking lot or drive across town and yell state names at each other. Last week he found California in the parking lot of swim school, and he started yelling "In Your Face, Mom" and unbeknownst to us, the driver was in the car. She got out of her car to investigate the ruckus and I could only say, "It is just a game."

I really thought Keagan was beginning to play along with us. He called out a few states and they were all pretty reasonable. I was impressed. That was until he called out "Indonesia."

Maybe he doesn't have the game down yet, but that is just as well. He will never be able to beat me or Evan. 

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