Tuesday, April 27, 2010

End to Swim

I predict that the next six weeks will be filled with posts outlining every "last" experience we have in Virginia. Here is our first last. Today was our last day of Swim Kids. While I am sad to leave the backstroke and three count power surge drills behind, the boys are not nearly as sentimental. I must remember that I sat quite comfortably in my chair and exerted very little in such state week after week. Maybe if I had been in the water, I wouldn't be so sad to see it end.

Keagan mastered the modified backstroke today and graduated to the next level. After Evan's reward yesterday, it was a great boost for Keagan to leave swim class with a certificate and a trip to the treasure chest. 

Three years ago I initiated swim lessons just so they could learn some water safety skills before we spent a week in Texas at the pool. I had no idea that just a few months later, they would be swimming across the pool better than me! I highly recommend the program if you are in NoVA and looking for swim lessons. It is money well spent.

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