Saturday, April 10, 2010

Football Frenzy

I don't know who was more excited when we left the house this morning for the first i-9 football spring season practice. It didn't matter that it was too early to be up on a Saturday morning. We didn't care that we had to put on three layers each to survive the extreme morning temps. We were on our way to a morning of FOOTBALL!

As it turns out, it was my baby Keagan that was the most excited for the day. He said in the car on the way home, "This was the best day of my life." And there wasn't even a win.

Both boys are now totally obsessed with the game. We left the football games and sang the boys' praises for their football skills. We dressed for soccer, and took the football to the soccer fields. We came home from the first soccer game of the spring season, and played football in the yard. Now I have two little boys snug in their beds, no doubt, dreaming big football dreams.

Guess who played quarterback?

Guess who also got pegged to play quarterback?

And defense? Well, they both had that covered as well.

As for Team United, we left the fields victorious again, but it was all short lived because we all soon had thoughts of football dancing in our heads.

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