Friday, April 30, 2010

Living in Virginia

In a month or two we will be headed to Georgia, or we are assuming it will be Georgia. Since Wes's name was placed on yet another list just this week for another job, this one in Europe, I guess our plans could change again. As we prepare for a new environment and a new culture, here is what I have learned while living in Virginia.

1. OBX has nothing to do with BMX. The stickers found on every middle class family's car in NoVA refer to the wonderful beaches of North Carolina and not bikes. When we moved here, I thought the locals had some fascination with competitive biking. Really.

2. Vanity plates - It doesn't matter how hard you try. Some of the plates just can't be deciphered.

3. The Mason Dixon Line is located as far north as the Maryland and Pennsylvania border. There is no reason why people living in NoVA should ever be considered Southeners. Besides their lack of front porches and proper manners, no restaurant north of Richmond, to Wes's dismay, serves sweet tea.

4. You can spend a Saturday at the Springfield mall, or spend a week at my middle school, or drive the side streets of Dale City and see someone who practices the culture and lifestyle of just about any location in the world.

5. LAX is not an airport. Thanks, Kate, for those facebook posts. I, for the longest time, couldn't figure out why you were always headed to a little known airport in LA.

6. I will drive Dallas's 635 during rush hour over 95 in NoVA any day. Traffic and rush hour take on a whole new meaning here.

7. Texas is not the only place with unpredictable weather. Where else can you experience a blizzard in both December and February and then 95 degree temps in late March?

I have to begin to wonder what life will be like in two years as we prepare to leave Georgia. What will I leave there having learned?

I can't even begin to imagine what it might entail, but I am still hoping it won't include anything related to tractors.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

End to Swim

I predict that the next six weeks will be filled with posts outlining every "last" experience we have in Virginia. Here is our first last. Today was our last day of Swim Kids. While I am sad to leave the backstroke and three count power surge drills behind, the boys are not nearly as sentimental. I must remember that I sat quite comfortably in my chair and exerted very little in such state week after week. Maybe if I had been in the water, I wouldn't be so sad to see it end.

Keagan mastered the modified backstroke today and graduated to the next level. After Evan's reward yesterday, it was a great boost for Keagan to leave swim class with a certificate and a trip to the treasure chest. 

Three years ago I initiated swim lessons just so they could learn some water safety skills before we spent a week in Texas at the pool. I had no idea that just a few months later, they would be swimming across the pool better than me! I highly recommend the program if you are in NoVA and looking for swim lessons. It is money well spent.

Monday, April 26, 2010

It Pays to Read

Evan came home today with this surprise! Someone realized that with our thrice weekly trips to the local Target, there was no other place that was more appropriate to receive a gift card. Evan says he earned it for reading the most during "REACH Week". Since that occurred back in February during the blizzard, I am not really sure this is accurate. However, during that week long break from school, we did spend the majority of our time inside, in front of the fire, with a book. I guess all the other kiddos were not as inclined and were actually playing in the snow. In any event, because of the gift card, we are now the proud owners of about twenty Mighty Beanz.

What are Mighty Beanz you ask? After an evening of having them repeatedly roll off the kitchen table onto the hardwood floors, after watching them thrown and crashed into one another in some sort of "game", and after enduring the list of physical descriptions of all twenty, I am still not sure. But it must have been something special because when Evan came home with them, Keagan was full of OOOOOOHHHHS and AAAAHHHHS.

I feel pretty confident Evan will have a handful at any given moment this week. Anyone up for a riveting game of Mighty Beanz?

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

John Deere

This last week I spent many afternoons on the phone discussing marble choices, granite colors, and cabinetry details for the house in Georgia. On Saturday I called the marble guy to ask a question or two and although the reception was clear on my end, he had a very difficult time hearing me.

MG (marble guy): Sorry Miss Toole, but I'm at the pool and I just can't hear you that well. Can I call ya on Monday?
Me: No problem


MG: Sorry, Miss Toole, for not being able to talk to ya this weekend.
Me: I hope you had a good time. It is hard to imagine that you are hanging out at the pool when I am wearing three layers to a football game in forty degree weather.
MG: The pool? Oh, no! I wasn't at the pool; I was at the tractor pull down in Jessup. Those tractors can be real loud when they pull those heavy weights up them hills.

I wish I could have seen my own face at that very moment. On second thought, I am glad I didn't because I am certain a look of shock, disgust, and concern was written on every wrinkle.

Oh, heaven help me! I am moving to a county in a state where weekend entertainment includes tractors, mountains of dirt, and ear plugs. I don't know if I will survive the three years.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Week's End of Wins

We are in deep shock on this Sunday night contemplating what could have possibly gone wrong this weekend. We have no explanations for how both football games and both soccer games ended in losses. I know. You are in shock, too, because you know that it couldn't possibly be due to my boys' lack of skills or talent because I sing their praises every chance I get. Rest assured, we blame it all on the wind and Keagan's lack of wrist bands.

Oh, those lovely plush bands that were now matted with dirt, milk, and the juice of multiple tangelos. They were in need of a good wash, and I didn't want my boys wearing the Jane Fonda sweat bands to begin with, much less now that the color was no longer easily recognizable. I have been told the wrist bands are not accessories but actually serve some important role when it comes to winning. That role has not been defined for me as yet, but they are ready for next Saturday's series of games just the same.

We didn't know what to do on Saturday when Team United lost only its second game in six seasons. We did what anyone does in mourning. We ate. We ate some more. And then we had dessert. Zum Rhinegarten allowed us to bury our sorrows in great food and we left in much better spirits.

We woke up Sunday morning feeling certain Sunday would be a much better day. The green dragons were just not fierce enough, though, and we lost. We did what our experience from Saturday night taught us. We ate. Risotto covered in olive oil and butter did just the trick. We topped it all off with ice cream.

I now have a week for the palms of my hands to recover from the constant stinging I now feel after hours of encouraging hand clapping and fist clenching cheers. I also have a week for my heels to recover from hours of jumping up and down and then writhing in pain with each opposing team's score.

With my own healthy heels and Keagan's clean wrist bands, I feel certain next weekend will end with wins. And if it doesn't, I will be forced to purchase a pair of orthopedic shoes. Black, thick soled, old lady shoes.

Amazingly my heels feel better already.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Fashion Friday

Yep, we go to the football and soccer wearing these beauties. Hey, you never know when a stream of sweat will fall down your face during a key play. With the temps hovering at 47 degrees in the early morning hours, it is a very distinct possibility. 

However, this fashion statement is not limited to the ball field.

We also feel compelled to wear these to school. I guess I have failed to realize that first graders really work up a sweat with all the talk of the combinations of ten. And maybe Keagan got really nervous when he met the mail lady and climbed into the mail truck during community helpers week. Both boys assured me, the 80s sweat bands are a necessity at school so they must be sweatin' over something.

Just in the past few days Evan has decided one band is as good as two, and so sporting the Michael Jackson one-glove look, he is off to school and off to football. The fashionista is getting closer to the current decade.

I wish I could get him just as interested in wearing underwear. 

Old People with Cracking Knees

My parents have just arrived for the long weekend. It will be filled with several sporting events and lots of laughs. Here are our firsts.

K: Oma, give me a hug. No, bend down and give me a hug.
O: Why do I need to bend down?
K: Just do it so I can hug you.
Oma gingerly bends down to hug her middle grandchild, and just as she does, both knees pop.
K: Yep, that's what I wanted to hear. Your knees pop. I like that about you, Oma.

E: Are you coming outside to play soccer, Opa?
O: Yes, but I need to change my shirt. Hum...Let me try to remember where to find it.
E: Old people (with exasperated sigh), they can't remember anything.

You wouldn't know it by reading the above, but the boys really do love their Opa and Oma. 

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Driver's License Game

In February we drove to Georgia to house hunt. It was a nine hour drive and we were looking for something to occupy the time - something besides another episode of Ben10 or Scooby Doo. I introduced the License Plate Game (or Driver's License Game as the boys call it), and we began a competition, albeit small competition, to see who could find the most plates from different states.

It didn't take long for Evan to catch on. He was soon finding them faster than I did. After five hours, I wondered if introducing the game was a really good idea because as soon as I dozed off in the front seat, he would yell "Oregon" or some other state name from the back seat and my desire to sleep was overcome with my desire to win the game. And after the fifth explanation that Pittsburgh, as in Pittsburgh Steelers as a license plate holder, was not a state, I allowed it to be a state in the name of peace and my own well being.

Even now we will walk through a parking lot or drive across town and yell state names at each other. Last week he found California in the parking lot of swim school, and he started yelling "In Your Face, Mom" and unbeknownst to us, the driver was in the car. She got out of her car to investigate the ruckus and I could only say, "It is just a game."

I really thought Keagan was beginning to play along with us. He called out a few states and they were all pretty reasonable. I was impressed. That was until he called out "Indonesia."

Maybe he doesn't have the game down yet, but that is just as well. He will never be able to beat me or Evan. 

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Football Frenzy

I don't know who was more excited when we left the house this morning for the first i-9 football spring season practice. It didn't matter that it was too early to be up on a Saturday morning. We didn't care that we had to put on three layers each to survive the extreme morning temps. We were on our way to a morning of FOOTBALL!

As it turns out, it was my baby Keagan that was the most excited for the day. He said in the car on the way home, "This was the best day of my life." And there wasn't even a win.

Both boys are now totally obsessed with the game. We left the football games and sang the boys' praises for their football skills. We dressed for soccer, and took the football to the soccer fields. We came home from the first soccer game of the spring season, and played football in the yard. Now I have two little boys snug in their beds, no doubt, dreaming big football dreams.

Guess who played quarterback?

Guess who also got pegged to play quarterback?

And defense? Well, they both had that covered as well.

As for Team United, we left the fields victorious again, but it was all short lived because we all soon had thoughts of football dancing in our heads.

Friday, April 9, 2010

The Great Green Dragons

The Animals. The Icebergs. The Ninjas. The Dragons.

With each season, Keagan's team names become increasingly more fierce. 

But what's in a name?

We could have been the Pansies and we would have won. I was relieved to see both boys come home, and after just a few football passes, they pulled out the soccer goal to practice corner kicks and flicks. Their love for soccer may have diminished with the onset of spring football, but it hasn't escaped them for good. 

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

On the Look Out for Hot Chicks

Our last day of spring break was Monday, and while the boys were upstairs playing, I overheard this conversation.

K: Let's go find us some hot chicks and kiss them.
After various car noises, I hear them shuffling their feet to destination aka "Hot Chicks" - all of about four feet down the hallway. The conversation continues.
K: Here we are, Evan. Find a hot chick.
E: Hum...I don't like any of these girls.
K: But this one has blond hair.
E: I like girls with brown hair best.
K: This one is kinda brown.
E: They need to have LONG brown hair.
K: What about this one?
E: Yeah, but she has a big nose.

I may have a tendency to exaggerate now and again, but I could not have made this up if I tried. 

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Happy Easter

Oma saved the day with her package that included a set of pre-stuffed Easter eggs. 

Otherwise, our Easter would have been anything but traditional. Despite my lack of preparation, the Easter Bunny did find us. Our living room was covered in grass, Pokemon figurines, Super Hero Squad team members, and candy wrappers for almost the entire day. 

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Keagan's Perfect Putt

Our last adventure of our wonderful spring break vacation in Myrtle Beach included a round of miniature golf at Capt Hooks. Once again, when the tears began to fall, Wes paired Evan with me.

I am not good and Evan is really not good. We lost by four strokes. 

Keagan? Well, he had several bogies, an eagle, and a hole in one! He told me he planned to join Grandaddy on the country club course once we get back to Texas. I think he might give the guys a run for their money.

Keagan in constant celebration. Evan in constant tears. This summarizes our game of miniature golf.

After MagiQuest you would think that we would forego any competitive activities - even miniature golf - but Evan promised he would not take it too seriously. And after a two hour nap, he was true to his words. 

Friday, April 2, 2010

Brookgreen Gardens

You know it has been a great vacation when you have lost all sense of time and you have no idea the day of the week. Day 6? Day 7? I don't remember, so I titled today's entry as the name of the place we visited. 

We spent the morning at the indigenous animal zoo located at the back of the park, and because it was feeding time, the boys aided the zookeeper with feeding the birds living in the aviary. Evan was hoping for a close encounter with the red fox, but that was not to be. 

The gardens were beautiful with random pieces of sculpture art hidden among the live oak trees, daffodils, and tulips. Wes took some time to take pictures. Meanwhile, I was left to explain the significance of Greek gods, and more importantly, the reason for their lack of clothing. Then we found the goddess Diana, and I tried to explain the story of the hunter who found her bathing and how she turned the hunter to a stag. That blew Evan's mind and I spent five minutes trying to explain that it wasn't really a true story, but it is a story that people all over the world have heard and know. He then said, "Are you trying to tell me it is a myth?"

It was at that point that I realized that my seven year old son is more articulate than I. 

And this experience was just as eye opening for me as last night's conversation was for Wes. Evan was able to identify, explain and provide back ground information for the pop singer Justin Bieber to Wes, and because Evan was more versed in some pop music artist, Wes was in a semi-state of shock. He continually asked, "Did that just happen to me? When did I get old?"

After dinner tonight we headed back to the hotel for smores in the courtyard. With live music playing, Keagan entertained the crowds with his "Secret Dude Dance." It was at this point in the night that I realized Keagan has begun a real fascination with dancing. It is a really good thing that he can play soccer well and run like a gazelle because dancing on the center stage is not really what I have in mind when I dream big dreams for my younger son.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Magi Quest

There was a day where I vividly remember saying that I would never take Evan to play Magi Quest again.

I lied.

When we gave the boys a list of options of things to do while on vacation in Myrtle Beach, there was no hesitation when both boys voted to spend a morning at Magi Quest. And because I didn't think I could survive another quest with Evan in search of a rune (what are runes anyway?), I almost told them it was closed in order to avoid it all.

But despite my previous experience at Great Wolf Lodge with quests, adventures, and runes, I accepted the challenge. I almost ruined the best family vacation ever with this little decision.

Evan had two major melt downs. If you haven't played the game, then you will be lost with the following pieces of terminology - vocabulary that only a master magi can truly appreciate, but we had tears and feet stomping because Evan couldn't find the yellow crystal. It was at this point that our team of four became a team of two, and Wes officially paired Evan and me together. Then to make matters worse the Code of Wizardy eluded him in the very next quest. This meant more tears and more feet stomping. The poor guy just can't handle a good ole' challenge from an imaginary wizard who lives in The Circle of Rocks. There was just a minor breakdown when we couldn't zap the portal star, and I almost broke the wand over the shelves of the castle library when I couldn't locate the slime necessary for the healing rune. I should have known that pairing the two high strung members of the family as a team was a bad idea. Wes and Keagan played the game like they had years of experience. 

However, Evan and I collected five runes - more than team Cool Cats. It was an added bonus that we lived to tell you about it!