Monday, September 28, 2009

Are You Ready for Some Football?

If the Cowboys are playing, then we are all ready for some football. However, Evan takes the prize. He has the helmet, the boxer shorts, and the couch. Like a real man, he is ready for some Monday Night Football!

But there is only so long you can sit and watch a game. Sometimes you just have to get up off that couch and play the game with your little brother.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Burning Question

Evan: Mom, is heaven really built on a cloud?
Me: No, I don't think so, but no one knows for sure.
Evan: Well, I am pretty sure that George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, and Michael Jackson could tell us.
Me (trying to hold back laughter): Really, why is that?
Evan: (Big sigh) Because they're dead!
Me: Well, just because you die doesn't mean that you go to heaven.
Evan: Oh, yeah! Well, then I guess Abraham Lincoln and George Washington know what it's like.
Me: Why those two?
Evan: Because I am pretty sure that they knew God, but Michael Jackson..... I don't know.... He wore that glove all that time and did that dancing....

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Ice, Ice Baby!

Team Icebergs had another win today. Yes, that's right. Team Icebergs. Keagan created that name last week, and the other seven kids were so utterly confused by such a name for their team, they just weren't able to articulate any other suggestions. So today we arrived at the game cheering, "Go Icebergs!" I guess it is better than Rainbow Unicorns; someone blogged last week that her daughter's team has this catchy name. And we aren't the Bald Eagles, another fabulous name to yell out while standing on the sidelines and another real name used by my friend's team. 

Keagan scored eight goals, and the other team scored nothing. They were obviously frustrated with the results and so they began what any other five year old boy would do in the same situation: trash talking. And one little boy had some pretty cut-throat words like, "You're going down!" When this statement was directed at Keagan, he retorted with, "You don't know who you are talking to." Later he told me, "Mom, he said that to me and I got angry. I scored on him and looked at him and said, 'You don't want to make me angry again.' He then added, "I don't think he will say that again."

Weekend Sports: Update #4

No lost purple socks this weekend. So on Friday evening I didn't waste any time looking for uniforms pieces that don't exist. Instead, I pulled out Evan's mouth guard for flag football because today was his skills camp, and I decided I would get it rinsed off and into his carry case so it would be ready for our early departure on Saturday morning. I was really proud of myself for having everything together and ready to go, and then I was almost knocked over when I stumbled across the words "personal fitting" on the back of the mouth guard package. I read closer and realized a simple rinsing really required a pan of boiling water, a cup of ice water, and then a mouth cast in plastic. All of this at 9:00. So I pulled Evan out of bed and we began the multi-step process of a personal fitting. We had to repeat steps 1-5 several times to get it just right, but I guess it fits just fine now because Evan wore that thing all day, even while walking the aisles of the commissary this afternoon.

Soccer: Team United
Evan's soccer game was probably the most exciting of any game we have ever played, and we had to leave after the first quarter to take Keagan to his t-ball game. Evan had a goal and two fine cross field passes, and I was really upset that we didn't get to stay and watch the rest of the game. I am hoping for a re-match later in the season.

T-Ball: Rockies vs Astros
This game made me realize that when given the option I should have requested Keagan's placement on team Astros. That coach was awesome and I should have known that any team with a Texas name would be the team of choice. Instead, I made the flippant and erroneous statement, "They all are the same to me. Place Keagan on any team." Keagan played one inning before we had to leave yet again to take Evan to football.

Keagan fields the ball and prepares to throw to first base.

Keagan and Coach Scott high five after an out at first base.

Football: Skills Clinic
Evan said it was great fun, but I don't know how much he really learned. I found him daintly holding the football and running in circles around the cones. However, when it was time to scrimmage, he made two "tackles" (I know you don't tackle in flag football but "he removed two flags" doesn't sound nearly as impressive). of this driving back and forth, and I realized that if I have a husband that must work on weekends, then I need a grandma / grandpa to help out with the transportation of the children.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Weekend Sports Update

I am highly organized. Extremely organized. But as I prepared for our weekend of games Friday night, I had a breakdown and couldn't find any purple t-ball socks. I looked high and low. I finally asked Keagan if it would be okay if he wore the black ones from last season's soccer games. He reminded me that he didn't have purple socks because he was never issued purple socks. I don't know if I was relieved that he wouldn't stick out like a sore thumb at today's pictures, or if I was upset for spending half an hour looking for socks that didn't exist. Anyway, it is only week two and I feel my brain slowly frying. Here's the weekend update:

T-Ball: Rockies vs Yankees
We arrived to the game today at game time, and it was not because of my lack of planning. It is because my dear son Evan really preferred to watch Saturday morning cartoons. I coaxed him upstairs with the threat of sitting out during his own soccer game, and then I found him fifteen minutes later reading a Ben10 comic book. I pushed him out of the front door with socks hanging off his big toes, his jersey sitting on his right shoulder, and soccer cleats in hand. In other words, he was half nude. By my standards that was running behind, but luckily we play for a team that has a very relaxed approach to coaching / playing t-ball. We got to the game and Keagan said in a very adult voice, "Sorry, for being late, Coach. We had some problems with the older brother." 

No score is kept but Keagan had a great hit to center field. He didn't just hit a grounder that the pitcher watched roll between his legs; he actually hit it up in the air and it landed on the tip of the outfield. By the second inning, Keagan learned to play his position and his position only. After fielding every hit in the first inning (whether hit to third, second, or center field it made no difference), Coach Scott persuaded him to stay in his "zone." However, he still prefers to race the batter to first instead of throwing the runner out. In Keagan's case, he is actually guaranteed the out if he runs the ball to first.

Evan left the game asking me if I would sign him up for baseball, too. Sorry, Baby, I draw the line at three sporting events per kid because as I think I mentioned before, my brain is looking to explode.

Soccer: United vs Team White
This game was so one-sided that we only played three full quarters,the opposing team played with a goalie, the opposing team played five players (instead of four), and our coach had Evan and the other three players stand still while the opposing team scored its one and only point. I think the ball crossed the mid-field line five times in the entire game. Even with ear infection number 465, Evan had a great game. 

Which brings me to my latest observation. I am afraid that this new med, anti-biotic ear drops, is no longer as effective as it was when we first used them about twenty ear infections ago. This week it took almost three days to stop the bleeding when it usually only takes one dose. I have no idea what we will do if they continue because there are just so many medicines invented to cure bleeding ears. And I am pretty sure that we have tried them all.

Monday, September 14, 2009

First Day of Five Year Old Pre-school

Good news! Keagan loves his new school and can't wait to go back tomorrow. 

Notice that tote full of supplies. After paying a $75 supply fee, I almost fell over when his teacher gave me a list of supplies to buy. This list didn't include a .25 cent box of crayons either. Oh, would you believe that I spent $40 on baggies, soap, hand-sanitizer, and other janitorial items? After all of that, he better be the cleanest, germ free kid in town! 

Sunday, September 13, 2009

It's All About Having Fun and Winning!

Ask me before a soccer game if pushing should be allowed and I will quickly say no. Ask me before a soccer game if playing your best player the entire game is fair and sitting the weaker players on the sidelines is fair, and I will again say no. But if you ask me these questions when Keagan's team is on the field, my opinion will quickly change. Because even though the players are only five and even though they are playing to have fun, I will quickly explain between plays, please don't disturb me when the ball is moving downfield, that it is all about winning. I really wish that I could be that parent that brings a book and reads while her son plays the game. I wouldn't have such a sore throat after the game if I did. 

By the way, Wes says we did win. I was so consumed with creating ways to win that I didn't realize we were actually winning! 

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Let the Games Begin

Wes says it is too much, and I have wondered once or twice what I was thinking. However, how could I tell my boys no when they both wanted to play two sports and swim this fall? With longer days at school, and four days of sporting events, I think I am going to be fried by Thanksgiving. Here are the results of Week One.

Keagan's First T-Ball Scrimmage Pirates vs Rockies
Keagan was the first up to bat and he hit a triple. This is of course because any five year old can run better than he can throw a baseball. Then it was time for Keagan's team to take the field. After hitting the first base player in the chest with the ball, Keagan said forget about throwing the runner out. He decided to run the player down. My favorite play was the hit down the third base line. Keagan fielded it and ran it all the way to first base to get the runner out. I had one dad ask, "Have you thought about track?" 

Evan's First Soccer Game of the Fall Season
This season Team United moved up to a new league, and as a result, they play on a larger field with longer quarters. You can bet Evan is gassed at the end of his turn of play. He scored two goals today and had an assist, but the best was to see him use the "surf", the skill he learned this summer at the UK Elite Camp. It is always a relief to see your hard earned money put to good use. 

In three more weeks we get to add flag football to the Saturday routine. I can't wait!

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

First Day of First Grade

Today was the first day of first grade. To celebrate the big day, I got up extra early to make cinnamon rolls. Evan says the day went well, but he is a boy of few words so besides the "teacher is nice" and "no homework until October" we didn't get much more out of him. However, he was thrilled to wear his new Transformers shoes to school. 

Monday, September 7, 2009

Amen, Brother!

Today we attended a birthday party in the Lake Lost in the Woods community. This is how we fondly refer to the place in which our friends live because it takes us an hour to get there and it is in the middle of no-where. After finally arriving, and I must mention that it takes even longer to get to the actual house once you have entered the gated community than it does to drive the thirty miles south on the interstate because the speed limit on the community streets is a whopping 15 miles per hour. I am certain we could all hit 30 and still have time to stop quickly if need be, but we abide by the posted speed limit because the rent-a-cops and their threat of kangaroo court have us shaking in our boots. But alas we arrived and after lunch we opened gifts. We brought Isaiah a GI Joe Snake Eyes tank. He seemed really excited about the gift because he told Keagan in his soft, sweet voice, "I saw this in the store and I really wanted it." Keagan in his very loud voice exclaimed for all to hear, "That's what I got for you my brother!" It was as if we were at a Southern Baptist revival sitting under a tent on a hot summer night. I felt certain someone in the background would give out a big AMEN!

Where does he get these phrases? I have no idea, but he sure did love the fact that everyone was laughing with him because as he often says to us at home, "I am really funny!" And every time I say he is his father's son! 

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Let's Go Rockies!

I always thought my boys would grow up playing baseball, primarily because it is the one sport that I know all the rules. When Evan showed no interest in the bat and ball and instead picked up the soccer ball, I never looked back. And I thought Keagan would do the same. For the most part he has followed in Evan's footsteps. However, this past year he has asked off and on to play tball, and I was happy to oblige. 

This fall he is playing at the local rec center on the Rockies team. He left today's first practice really happy and upbeat about the experience. Wes and I were not nearly as impressed, and it took all we had to bite our tongues and keep our advice to ourselves during the most unorganized, chaotic practice I have ever experienced. If Evan wasn't playing soccer on the same day within the same half hour, Wes and I would be coaching. And the first skill we would cover is YOU DON'T RUN WITH THE BALL. 

Friday, September 4, 2009

Meet the Teacher Night

Today we visited Keagan's new school and we met Mrs. Stovall, Keagan's new teacher. We were delighted to see the curriculum outline, for math and science anyway, and find that it was just as challenging as Evan's curriculum from last year. Keagan is super excited, and we left assured that our decision to hold off public school one more year is in his best interest.

Yesterday we received a welcome postcard in the mail. Mrs. Stovall asked, "Welcome to Little Hands! Are you ready to learn your colors, letters, and numbers?" When I read this, Keagan said, "I already know all that stuff! Doesn't she know that? Does she know what she's doing?" I assured him she does, and today we know for a fact she does!