Saturday, September 19, 2009

Weekend Sports Update

I am highly organized. Extremely organized. But as I prepared for our weekend of games Friday night, I had a breakdown and couldn't find any purple t-ball socks. I looked high and low. I finally asked Keagan if it would be okay if he wore the black ones from last season's soccer games. He reminded me that he didn't have purple socks because he was never issued purple socks. I don't know if I was relieved that he wouldn't stick out like a sore thumb at today's pictures, or if I was upset for spending half an hour looking for socks that didn't exist. Anyway, it is only week two and I feel my brain slowly frying. Here's the weekend update:

T-Ball: Rockies vs Yankees
We arrived to the game today at game time, and it was not because of my lack of planning. It is because my dear son Evan really preferred to watch Saturday morning cartoons. I coaxed him upstairs with the threat of sitting out during his own soccer game, and then I found him fifteen minutes later reading a Ben10 comic book. I pushed him out of the front door with socks hanging off his big toes, his jersey sitting on his right shoulder, and soccer cleats in hand. In other words, he was half nude. By my standards that was running behind, but luckily we play for a team that has a very relaxed approach to coaching / playing t-ball. We got to the game and Keagan said in a very adult voice, "Sorry, for being late, Coach. We had some problems with the older brother." 

No score is kept but Keagan had a great hit to center field. He didn't just hit a grounder that the pitcher watched roll between his legs; he actually hit it up in the air and it landed on the tip of the outfield. By the second inning, Keagan learned to play his position and his position only. After fielding every hit in the first inning (whether hit to third, second, or center field it made no difference), Coach Scott persuaded him to stay in his "zone." However, he still prefers to race the batter to first instead of throwing the runner out. In Keagan's case, he is actually guaranteed the out if he runs the ball to first.

Evan left the game asking me if I would sign him up for baseball, too. Sorry, Baby, I draw the line at three sporting events per kid because as I think I mentioned before, my brain is looking to explode.

Soccer: United vs Team White
This game was so one-sided that we only played three full quarters,the opposing team played with a goalie, the opposing team played five players (instead of four), and our coach had Evan and the other three players stand still while the opposing team scored its one and only point. I think the ball crossed the mid-field line five times in the entire game. Even with ear infection number 465, Evan had a great game. 

Which brings me to my latest observation. I am afraid that this new med, anti-biotic ear drops, is no longer as effective as it was when we first used them about twenty ear infections ago. This week it took almost three days to stop the bleeding when it usually only takes one dose. I have no idea what we will do if they continue because there are just so many medicines invented to cure bleeding ears. And I am pretty sure that we have tried them all.

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