Saturday, September 5, 2009

Let's Go Rockies!

I always thought my boys would grow up playing baseball, primarily because it is the one sport that I know all the rules. When Evan showed no interest in the bat and ball and instead picked up the soccer ball, I never looked back. And I thought Keagan would do the same. For the most part he has followed in Evan's footsteps. However, this past year he has asked off and on to play tball, and I was happy to oblige. 

This fall he is playing at the local rec center on the Rockies team. He left today's first practice really happy and upbeat about the experience. Wes and I were not nearly as impressed, and it took all we had to bite our tongues and keep our advice to ourselves during the most unorganized, chaotic practice I have ever experienced. If Evan wasn't playing soccer on the same day within the same half hour, Wes and I would be coaching. And the first skill we would cover is YOU DON'T RUN WITH THE BALL. 

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