Sunday, September 13, 2009

It's All About Having Fun and Winning!

Ask me before a soccer game if pushing should be allowed and I will quickly say no. Ask me before a soccer game if playing your best player the entire game is fair and sitting the weaker players on the sidelines is fair, and I will again say no. But if you ask me these questions when Keagan's team is on the field, my opinion will quickly change. Because even though the players are only five and even though they are playing to have fun, I will quickly explain between plays, please don't disturb me when the ball is moving downfield, that it is all about winning. I really wish that I could be that parent that brings a book and reads while her son plays the game. I wouldn't have such a sore throat after the game if I did. 

By the way, Wes says we did win. I was so consumed with creating ways to win that I didn't realize we were actually winning! 

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