Saturday, September 26, 2009

Ice, Ice Baby!

Team Icebergs had another win today. Yes, that's right. Team Icebergs. Keagan created that name last week, and the other seven kids were so utterly confused by such a name for their team, they just weren't able to articulate any other suggestions. So today we arrived at the game cheering, "Go Icebergs!" I guess it is better than Rainbow Unicorns; someone blogged last week that her daughter's team has this catchy name. And we aren't the Bald Eagles, another fabulous name to yell out while standing on the sidelines and another real name used by my friend's team. 

Keagan scored eight goals, and the other team scored nothing. They were obviously frustrated with the results and so they began what any other five year old boy would do in the same situation: trash talking. And one little boy had some pretty cut-throat words like, "You're going down!" When this statement was directed at Keagan, he retorted with, "You don't know who you are talking to." Later he told me, "Mom, he said that to me and I got angry. I scored on him and looked at him and said, 'You don't want to make me angry again.' He then added, "I don't think he will say that again."

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