Monday, September 7, 2009

Amen, Brother!

Today we attended a birthday party in the Lake Lost in the Woods community. This is how we fondly refer to the place in which our friends live because it takes us an hour to get there and it is in the middle of no-where. After finally arriving, and I must mention that it takes even longer to get to the actual house once you have entered the gated community than it does to drive the thirty miles south on the interstate because the speed limit on the community streets is a whopping 15 miles per hour. I am certain we could all hit 30 and still have time to stop quickly if need be, but we abide by the posted speed limit because the rent-a-cops and their threat of kangaroo court have us shaking in our boots. But alas we arrived and after lunch we opened gifts. We brought Isaiah a GI Joe Snake Eyes tank. He seemed really excited about the gift because he told Keagan in his soft, sweet voice, "I saw this in the store and I really wanted it." Keagan in his very loud voice exclaimed for all to hear, "That's what I got for you my brother!" It was as if we were at a Southern Baptist revival sitting under a tent on a hot summer night. I felt certain someone in the background would give out a big AMEN!

Where does he get these phrases? I have no idea, but he sure did love the fact that everyone was laughing with him because as he often says to us at home, "I am really funny!" And every time I say he is his father's son! 

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