Friday, December 21, 2018

Winter Break

It’s my first day of winter break. I went to bed last night at 8:30 and slept eleven hours. Twenty 8 year olds the week before Christmas did me in - I was toast! I was up early today to get my hair cut. Otherwise, I might have slept 14 hours.

Later in the day, Evan and I headed to the church for volunteer work. I signed us up to sort clothes in the free store for the upcoming Christmas Eve event for the underprivileged. Last year we were tasked with putting up and decorating a Christmas tree, and there was no way we were going to do that again. However, Evan was not thrilled with sorting xxl used men’s pants with smells that made him gag. The German chairperson immediately tasked him with a more “manly” job of moving boxes. For two hours he moved boxes? I’m not sure where he went off to to avoid stinky clothes, but he clearly had the better plan. Next year we are chopping potatoes!

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