Monday, December 17, 2018

He’s Got Game

The middle school team played tonight’s opponent in November when we were in Jackson. They lost by 30 points that month. We lost again tonight, but it was a much closer game and we only lost by seven. Keagan had 12 points, 3 assists, and 3 steals. He had a great game!

The coach in the background kneeling near the bench had his eye on Keagan throughout the game. In fact, he came to a past game to scout Keagan. He’s notorious for watching games, taking notes, recording stats, and creating plays that will be used to keep the strongest players on each team in check. He works at the most challenging middle school in the county and has a great reputation for working with challenging players. In short, he’s a great coach. Keagan has mentioned Coach K is his dream coach. He’s never had the best basketball coaches, and he truly yearns for good training. 

After tonight’s game, Keagan kindly asked if he could have a word with Coach K. Coach was completely caught off guard but agreed to talk. Keagan said, “It would be a great honor to play for you. I have great respect for you and the way you coach. If you have a summer AAU team, I would love the opportunity to try out for a roster spot.” Coach K was flattered and told him he would love for Keagan to play for him, but he planned to take the summer off from coaching to play some golf and sit on the couch. 

Keagan was disappointed, but I was so proud of him for asking. I was even prouder of his articulate compliment and well-thought out approach. The search for a team continues...

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