Monday, December 3, 2018

And He’s Off

He drove himself to school today. I followed him to the interstate just to make sure no one pulled out in front of him. He drove himself to personal training this afternoon. Wes followed him this time to make sure he made it to the gym without losing his way. 

He drove Madalyn to the basketball game tonight. 

Eventually we won’t think twice about his driving himself. Eventually Keagan will be okay riding as his passenger. 

I pray he drives responsibly, safely, and slowly! And to give me peace of mind and make sure he’s taking this responsibility seriously, I’ve downloaded an app that will let me know if he doesn’t. 

Safe travels, Evan!

1 comment:

  1. Oh I was not ready for this post..Prayers for safety as he begins this new freedom. Love you Big E. Nonnie and Grandaddy.
