Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Merry Christmas

Santa arrived! Evan and Keagan must have been very good because Santa has been so good to them. They both got new shoes and new jerseys.

Evan's gift experience is a tour of Cowboys Stadium, his favorite gift. He's on the grind putting his Lego Cowboys helmet together. Already he's professed the directions are not clear enough and the colors are not accurate. He's threatening to throw it in the trash. So pretty much it's like the Christmas morning from eight years ago when he got a Star Wars Lego set. We are all about traditions in this house!

Keagan's favorite gift was his robe. He says he feels like a Chinese emperor wearing silks and fine clothing. (I'm afraid Amazon is a far cry from Chinese silks.) He has made his way to the bonus room wearing his robe, carrying his new gaming mic, and clutching a bag of candy. He says he will see us in about four hours.

Wes is super happy with parts for the gun he is building. He bought them. I wrapped them. He acted surprised when he opened them. I did the same with the two pairs of shoes I ordered for myself.

This is the first year in a while where we haven't spent the holiday doing laundry and packing for a Caribbean get-a-way. Next year's trip to Iceland will be epic.

Merry Christmas!

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