Thursday, June 1, 2017

Run Like the Wind

Keagan was determined to run the local 5K summer races. I tried to tell him three plus miles is not a distance he has run before. I tried to tell him it was longer than he envisioned. But he was convinced he could do it. And so he did. 


And he smoked it! His final time was 21:52 and he finished tenth overall. Very impressive! The last half mile was grueling. His knee was hurting and he was breathing hard.


However, in the last 1/4 mile he was neck and neck with 60 year old man. He looked down at Keagan and asked, "You gonna let a 60 year old man beat you?" Keagan replied with a "Hex no!" and started kickin'.


He says he has a cramp in every part of his body and is certain he will die. He says he has no plans to return for next Thursday's race. We will see about that. I paid my hard earned money for a series!

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