Friday, June 16, 2017

Family Fun Day

Thursday was my first official day of summer; Wes had the day off. We decided late last night we would hit the road and find something to do in the great outdoors. This morning the boys were outraged that we woke them up at 0900. They were even madder to read the GPS and find our destination was 90 minutes away. Then they saw this.


The boys outlook quickly changed and they even had smiles. They were off running the wooded trail in no time looking for the first waterfall. 


They found it but not before they heard it.


At this point, I thought we had seen the best part. I was content with what we had seen and we took the obligatory selfie.


But little did we know. The best waterfall was just ahead of us. 


Beautiful cannot even begin to describe the view.

We hiked down to the base of the fall and splashed in the shallow creek beds. 

What a great day trip and great way to kick off summer! One more local state park remains on my bucket list. 

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