Sunday, December 29, 2013

The Places You Go, The People You Meet

We have met some really interesting people while on vacation this week. Wes met a true life Nazi, while eating lunch one day we met a family that traveled extensively around the world and had stories of places I never considered for inclusion in my bucket list, a South African couple on a 30 day holiday to the western hemisphere, a young girl spending a year volunteering in Central America, a newly wed couple backpacking through Belize, and so many more.

Our adventure continues. Keagan found a live conch while walking along the beach, took it to the on-site restaurant and asked the waiter if he would cook it for our dinner. It was a male conch and not big enough to harvest, though, so we released him back in the ocean. But we became fast friends with the wait staff after this incident.

Keagan climbed coconut trees and tried to persuade the guy working the bar to cut one open for him so he could try coconut water.

It worked. We were frequent and welcomed guests at the bar after this escapade.

We also ran into Don Johnson. Just kidding. He can take a great picture when he is bribed with "any drink choice with your lunch today."

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