Saturday, December 21, 2013

One of These Days

Basketball Week #5 may have brought new competition, but the same bleacher comments were made that have been made almost every other week.

1. What do you feed that boy? He's a big 'un.

One of these days I am going to have a really good come back. Today I just smiled and said, "Well, yesterday he ate a three pound bag of cutie oranges for his afternoon snack."

Evan's team won again today, even without two of the starters, 21-13. Evan got a three pointer, and I was the only one who seemed to notice.

2. Where did that little 'un learn to play basketball?

One of these days I am going to be bold enough to lie and say, "Those mad skills came from his mama. I can ball like no other."

Keagan's team won again today 14-11; this makes a two game winning streak. Keagan had an awesome pick that allowed another student to score. It just so happens that he and Coach discussed it at halftime and Keagan was able to incorporate it like he had been doing it all season.

We're on break until January. You will be able to find the boys in the driveway with the hoop, though, practicing those 3s and setting up picks.

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