Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Santa Was Here

This year's Santa list was much like last year's list. Jerseys and sports gear. They must have been good boys this year because they got everything they wanted and then some.

Evan got Lee's jersey and Keagan got Parker's jersey. We had to stay true to our Texas roots.

Keagan couldn't believe his luck when he also got basketball sleeves. He assures me that he will wear them and his new NBA headband to his next basketball game - "even if the white people make fun of me." After hours of playing bball in the driveway on Christmas Day, he is convinced the sleeves have improved his ability to shoot. 

Evan got a magnetic NFL standings board. Few people will understand his excitement for magnetic helmets or football stats, but trust me. He thought it was the perfect gift. It also means that we will save reams of paper since the standings will not have to be rewritten after each week's games. 

Then the boys found the game table. There were lots of bad words said putting this together at 1230 in the morning in a garage where the temp was below freezing. Even more bad words were said when it was realized it would not fit through the door to the kitchen and had to be disassembled in the very cold garage and then reassembled once it made it upstairs. Forget deployments. If couples can survive the laborious process of putting together toys on Christmas Eve in the freezing cold in the late night hours, then the marriage is sure to withstand any hardship.

 Any one up for a game of table tennis? We can play a mean game, and this time I can promise no bad words will be spoken, even if you happen to beat us.

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