Saturday, December 28, 2013

Hol Chan Nature Preserve

Today we took a boat to Hol Chan Nature Preserve to do some snorkeling and swim with the sharks. We picked up our boat in San Pedro where we found a conch fisherman. We love to eat conch and we couldn't believe that the conch are caught in Belize by free diving 25-30 feet into the reef. When I learned locals were risking their lives to catch conch, it almost made me wish I hadn't ordered it for dinner but it wasn't enough for me to not order it at lunch.

The snorkeling was great; we even got to see sea turtles something I had secretly hoped to see. Then we went a little further out to swim with the sharks. The guide enticed the sharks to our boat by throwing bait into the water. Dozens of nurse sharks, very docile animals, circled our boat, and we all dove into the water to get a closer look at them while they fed. This was all good until I realized a 15 foot nurse shark was swimming directly under me and then made eye contact with me. While I tried my best to scare him with my direct gaze, I was actually the one frightened. So I decided to head back to the boat. I kicked my legs to get me a safe distance from the big shark when I felt something wrapping around my legs. I totally freaked out and kicked even harder, certain that big nurse shark wanted me for his next dinner. I found the ladder to the boat, quickly started to climb, and all the while tried to get what ever was chasing me at bay. Next step up the ladder, and I realized my fright was for nothing. It was only the straps from my life jacket wrapping around my legs and scaring the BeJeezus out of me. That put an end to my time of swimming with the sharks.

Wes and Evan swam right up to them and had the time of their lives. Keagan had watched one too many episodes of Shark Week and decided the boat was the best place to watch the sharks feed. I can't say I disagree.

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