Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Academic Honors

A month ago I received a letter that stated Evan had been nominated for membership in the Junior Beta club. I was so proud of him - so proud that he transitioned to his new school with such ease and success. It never occurred to me that he might NOT want to join. So I was devastated when he told me that only the "strange" kids join Beta Club. It took me three days to convince him to turn in his application and annual dues. I finally persuaded him that he needed to join because of the emphasis on service and helping others. Despite his firm legalistic view of the world, he does have a heart for the unfortunate.

Tonight he was inducted into the Junior Beta Club. He decided maybe it wouldn't be too bad when he learned that the first service project, entitled "Super Bowl", included food for the needy and the NFL play-offs.

Of course, it also helped when he learned that his friend Jack was also nominated.

I could not be prouder. We are blessed beyond belief to have such talented, intelligent, hard-working boys.  

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