Saturday, June 16, 2012

Two Years in Georgia

This weekend marked our second full year in Georgia, and we have just barely reached the 24 month milestone without orders for our next move. Just barely. I am still holding on to some vague hope that an international assignment will fall in our lap before the orders are cut. After five years in DC, our first year in Georgia was filled with adjustments and culture shock - especially for the boys. After two years, we can now interpret Georgia twang, we understand the life cycle of a sand gnat, and we know snow is defined by the sole existence of one ice crystal that may or may not be visible to the human eye. The highlights of our second year begin here.

1. This pet-fearing, pet-hating mama broke down and agreed to keep a pet; Maybelle has become a part of our family. She has spent the past year listening to Keagan read when I couldn't possibly hear another story about Jack and Annie and a magical tree house.

She agrees to play a game of Super Hero Squad (she was Hulk last week) when Keagan can't stand to look at his big brother, and from time to time, she will play soccer with Evan. She is the perfect cat; almost like a teenager in that she sleeps so much she is rarely seen or heard and she spends late nights out on the town.

2. The beach is still our very favorite place to visit when we have a free day. Spending the day with friends makes it twice as nice. I have no idea how I will survive our next move when we are more than a two days' drive from my favorite place on Earth. I am already very depressed about the thought of missing day trips to St. Simons. So is Evan. He wants to retire there. Only a nine year old military brat discusses possible locations for retirement.

3. I have never been surrounded by so many strong, independent, and resilient military spouses. This year most will experience their husband's second deployment in less than three years. Many others will have deployments extended. It is a life that few understand until they are in the midst of it, and all of us here at Stewart are in the midst of it. We celebrate our lifestyle with plenty of wine.

4. Last month the boys tried out for and made their respective teams with a soccer academy in Savannah. I never thought it would be so hard to say good-bye to a team, but we are leaving the gators and praying this new experience will be all that has been promised. 1-2-3 Go STORM! Perhaps, I can find it in myself to remember to stretch pre-game to avoid any sideline injuries.

There you have it. My top ten list has morphed to a top four. I am a Sergeant Major in the making. Truly the year has been filled with wonderful memories, even if I can't recall more than four highlights. Our final year begins today.

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