Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Lessons Learned on the Farm

Before today's thunderstorm (this makes twelve straight days of rain, but I'm not counting or anything), we drove to a local farm to pick blueberries. Yep, more berries. The highlight of the short trip was the discovery of a fox's den right in the middle of the blueberry field. Perhaps it really was a hole washed out by the twelve days of non-stop rain we have had, but I let the boys play their imaginary game. It's more fun that way and way more bearable than the complaints of the heat and bugs and the not-so-passive suggestions that summer day trips should involve arcades and pizza parlors.
Keagan ate every single berry he picked and developed a stomach ache. Evan declared the trip a huge DISASTER and asked why we couldn't just go to the commissary and buy "fresh" berries. I picked a couple of quarts and returned home to make a delicious blueberry pie. Truly delicious.

Later, Keagan told me he had learned something today. I asked what, knowing he would certainly say that he learned the life cycle of a blueberry: flower blossom, green berry, pink berry, and blueberry. Instead, he said, "YouTube taught me a valuable lesson today. It doesn't matter how young you are, you can still go to jail."

I give up. Tomorrow's day trip will include an arcade and pizza.

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