Monday, June 11, 2012

Summer....Day 12

Besides berry picking, I am not sure how we have passed the last eleven days of summer.

Except that there was that one day of marathon board games that included only one board game, Operation Cars. I won all eleven games, and Keagan told me I missed my calling. He's convinced I should have been a surgeon, and because removing leaky oil from Mater's underside is so closely related to the skills of a brain surgeon, I don't think he could be any closer to guessing my one true calling.

I guess I also, ever so vaguely, remember the day we spent at the indoor bounce house, and the boys bounced and ran around with a day care group that included no fewer than 47 kids. I had temporary hearing loss after that day's events.

We also spent an evening on YouTube learning various ways you can get kicked out of  Wal-Mart. Our favorite is a tie between the invisible rope trick and running down the aisle yelling, "The British are Coming, the British are Coming!"

Can you tell that it has rained for eleven of the last twelve days? This has put a huge damper on our beach plans and my personal goal of producing enough vitamin D to give up dairy products for the summer.

All of this togetherness, though, has created a problem or two. Namely, there has been a severe shortage of food in this house. I mean besides the plethora of berries I have stored in the freezer. We have plenty of berries, but the boys seem to think berries will not satiate their appetites. Instead, they feel it is necessary that I cook about six meals a day for them. I have no more cleaned up the oatmeal bowls from breakfast before it is time to produce a mayonaise sandwich for lunch (which is Keagan's nick name for a turkey sandwich on wheat bread with a thick layer of mayonaise). Yesterday at afternoon snack hour, Evan ate four apples. FOUR! On apple three, I suggested he slow down, and he remarked, "You want me to starve, Mom?"

Tomorrow the boys will have to eat berries or suffer through a trip to the commissary. They say they will only agree to go grocery shopping if they can attempt the invisible rope trick on an unsuspecting soldier.

Please pray for sunshine. For me. Please.

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