Friday, June 29, 2012

Pure Bliss

Our day at the beach was pure bliss. Pure bliss I tell ya! A little soccer. A little football. A little tunnel digging. A little boogey boarding, and a whole lot of soaking up the sun!

Keagan taught Mark how to boogey board and gave him some helpful hints with staying on top of the waves. Mark was gracious enough to accept ever piece of advice - even the kicking instructions.

It has been a long week for this guy. You can see it in his eyes. I took this shot as he spotted a man with a dog walking along the beach. I some how managed to promise a dog once we arrive to our next duty station. He has begged for a dog for almost five years. I have finally concluded a boy needs a dog, and with my timing, almost guarantees an overseas assignment. Europe and a dog? What could make travel any easier?

Our British friends were captivated by the shining sun, white sand, and warm water. Tomorrow we say good-bye to these guys;Keagan is already crying. It has been a wonderful week. Until next summer when we meet again...

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