Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Spring Break: Must Get to Beach

For two months we have had 80 degree temps and sunshine. It has been beautiful and I have had one single thought: must get to beach. The one year we live close enough to go to the beach every single day without the traditional cost of spending spring break on the beach, and I experience the temps dropping thirty degrees and the streets flooding with inches and inches of rain. I've tried to reconcile my poor luck with my Kindle and Pinot Grigio. I have also remembered to be thankful for the rain, for the rain has put out the wildfire that just threatened our evacuation from our home and every single item we own. So while I am not on the beach, I do still have a house and everything in it, including my Pinot Grigio and my Kindle.

Yesterday, in between rain showers and brief warm ups in the house with hoodies zipped to the neck and jumprope drills, the boys played war. Our experience on the carrier last weekend has carried over into our backyard. The London Knight, complete with costume, sword, and shield, battled Europe whose soldier carried a huge tree branch, aka victory flag. When I reminded the boys that London is in Europe and that there are no factions in Europe, Evan said, "That is the past, Mom. We are fighting a battle of the future."

Today the fighting is not nearly as intense, and the guns have all been put aside. However, we seem to be engaged in more hand-to-hand battles.

Thirty nine more school days until summer vacation. I have just one thought: Must get to beach.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Galaxy Soccer

In addition to playing Gator soccer this spring, Keagan is also on a rec team through Fort Stewart. Look at this face. Is he intense about rec soccer or what? Kudos to my friend Maria who snapped this shot.

Patriot's Point

While in South Carolina for the soccer tournament, we spent an afternoon at the USS Yorktown, an actual aircraft carrier that was used in the Pacific during World War II. We toured "The Fighting Lady", climbed aboard planes on the flight deck, and learned about the day to day live of the crew members. The boys were intrigued by it - especially Evan.

This is my favorite shot from the entire trip. Love, love, love the precious salute, and the spontanity of it.

Upon entering the first tour, Evan immediately began imagining they were responsible for finding spies that had infiltrated the ship while at sea. Keagan was the commanding officer, and he gave the "marching orders" to the "Army men" working for him on the boat.

Oma and Opa left Mt Pleasant, Texas to meet us in Mt Pleasant, SC to watch the boys play soccer. They joined us on the tour of the Yorktown. This picture was taken after we toured the submarine. 

This was a great adventure for the boys. I highly recommend it if you are ever in the Charleston area. 

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Piggly Wiggly Shoot Out

This picture cost me the bargain price of $2.00, or the price of two bags of Skittles from the tournament concession stand. I think it was totally worth it because who wouldn't want a picture of the Pig at the Piggly Wiggly Shootout? 

We began our spring break week with a trip to Mount Pleasant, SC with the Gators for the annual Piggly Wiggly Shootout. Nothing says soccer mom like washing four pairs of sweaty, stinky soccer socks in the sink of the hotel bathroom on a Saturday night. We won't talk about our lack of wins. I will skip over the huge mosquitoes that left hundreds of bites on my legs and arms. And I definitely won't relive the moment one of the opposing team's parents made fun of me and my cheers when I thought for sure Evan was about to take a shot at the goal. I have since vowed to tone down my sideline behavior, but I think I have tried that before and haven't found much success. Instead, I will focus on the positive: Evan had three assists and Keagan scored a goal. Evan's team won one game, a great victory considering our opposing teams' skills. Saturday morning games in Savannah continue until our next tournament in May.

Saturday, March 19, 2011

Spring Soccer

My lazy Saturdays are no more; the spring soccer season has arrived. Evan's first Gator game was today, and we played the most exciting game ever. We won 1-0. Evan blocked the penalty kick in the last minute of the game that would have led to a tie. He jumped sky high to block the kick and then fell to the ground to cover the ball. It was amazing. I might have cheered a little bit, and I came to my senses a good five minutes later yelling, "That's my Baby!!!!" I think I heard Wes give a sigh of relief along with a, "Thank you, Sweet, Baby Jesus!"

It was truly amazing. Did I mention it was amazing? It was amazing.

I am researching goal keeping academies and summer camps because performances like today's do nothing in our argument that Evan cannot play keeper well.

Friday, March 18, 2011

Time for Seasons

Today Wes and I were both able to see Keagan's play that his school put on for the parents of the kindergarden students. Keagan's class represented winter and Keagan was dressed as a mitten. He nailed his lines and he had all the right moves with the choreography.

Keagan and his best friend Isaiah are in the same class and also attend after school care together. Keagan told me a couple of months ago that he was really glad Martin Luther King, Jr made it okay for "peach skin and black skin people to be friends" because if he hadn't Keagan said that he would be "very lonely at school without his best friend." He then added, "I don't know why I always have friends with black skin; the white kids are always so weird and like to play weird things at recess - they want to pretend to be clowns. Isaiah and I like to run together and play sports."

These two are inseparable during the school day, and every time I see them together, they have these big smiles on their faces.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Change in Command

Today Wes took command of the CID office, and we attended the afternoon Change of Command ceremony. The biggest day in his career and this is the only picture that I have to document the event.

Even though I am not a fan of a yellow rose, it is a tradition that the incoming commander's wife receive yellow roses, the symbol for hope.

My only hope was that the boys would be able to spend an entire day at school without marking on their clothing with blue marker or spilling ketchup down their shirts. My hope was expressed on several occassions, and I was relieved to pick them up from school today with only a smidgen of dirt on their faces. Unfortunately, I was the one who was unable to heed my own advice, and I arrived with a big blob of chicken and rice on the front of my new dress.

Speaking of the new dress....I splurged and bought something new to wear. I ordered it on-line and then prayed it would fit. I was giddy when I pulled it on and it fit perfectly. I mean it was just perfect! I walked through the house and off handly remarked, "Don't I look like a million dollars?" Evan replied, "Maybe not a million, Mom, but definately a thousand."

No lie.

With the exception of all of our clothing problems, I can't wait to see where this journey takes us next! 

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Snips, Snails, and Lizard Tails

Keagan and his lizards. They were everywhere today trying to soak up some sun. This unlucky guy was caught with his bug catcher and studied under microscope.

Keagan caught this one and was heartbroken to find he grabbed it by the tail and pinched the very tip off.

He was mesmerized with the chameleon's ability to change colors. He had read about it before, but to see it in action filled him with awe.

He spent some time staring him down, watching his heart pump rapidly, and comparing the size of each toe. After a half hour, he released him back to the flower bed with a promising, "Until next time, lizard."

Friday, March 11, 2011

Young Author's Writing Competition

Evan was invited to participate in the annual Georgia Young Authors' Writing Competition after he wrote a story about solving a robbery that took place in a statue museum. Wes and I haven't read the story, but after reading last year's winning story about two hot dogs that fall in love and have baby weiners, I think Evan might have a chance. Although several people have commented on Evan's story line, I will remind you that the talk of solving crimes is pretty consistent in the home of a federal agent. Although no statues have been stolen from the local 3rd ID museum, I'd rather read about stolen property than what is really taking place around here. I feel like we are in the midst of an episode of NYPD Blue every single week. And although I admit I am completely biased, I would definitely rather read about stolen artwork than a family of weinies ambushed by mustard.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

He Said It

Keagan: "Mom, I've been thinking. I think tonight I'll baptize myself in the bathtub. Can you do that? Baptize yourself?"

Then after a short pause.

Evan: "Don't even think about it, Mom. I am not up for baptizing anyone tonight. Anyways, I don't have a flowing white robe to wear."

Friday, March 4, 2011

After This Week, I Need a Bottle of Wine

This week I administered the end of year test to my fourth graders. In March. Does anyone else see anything wrong with that? End of year? March? Last time I checked I have 12 more weeks remaining in the school year. I am waiting for Wes to come home with wine because after the answers I saw my sweet angels bubbling this week, I need something to take me away from the horror. Did you know that Chihuhau is the capitol of Mexico? Clearly the big red star sitting next to Mexico City on the map was misplaced. I told Wes that I haven't seen so many low kids in one class since I taught second grade fifteen years ago in Texas. Good Gosh. It was one rough week.

Meanwhile, I am contemplating an order from Athleta because I LOVE their athletic wear, and after consuming my second piece of pizza and my fifth giant sugar cookie for dinner tonight, work out clothes are probably something I should consider purchasing. No matter how much I want to, I just can't justify spending $49 on a tank top. The second roll of fat forming on my tummy, though, has a different opinion, and I think it just might push me into a new purchase. I'll buy it all for no other reason than to perpetuate the misconception that I am a dedicated runner. And because there is nothing better to wear on a Saturday morning on the soccer fields.

Now that my wine has arrived, here's to a great weekend and the future delivery of running skirts and tank tops.