Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Puppy Love

Keagan's take home folder was stuffed today with pieces of artwork that I instantly recognized as the handiwork of any child but my own. For one, it included pictures of things that I could easily identify. My own boys draw like me and that means they will be third graders before they can draw stick figures. Second, the color palette included purples and pinks. My boys only use black and blue with splotches of red to resemble fire because everything crashes and burns when you are five and a boy. And last, the artwork was completed on stationary. We are lucky to find some printer paper when the boys get the hankering to draw, which is so rare there is no need for us to keep any fancy paper with flowers and colored lines.

When I asked Keagan about the drawings, he told me he drew them for me. As much as I wanted to believe he made such a thoughtful gesture, I didn't believe him for a second. I knew he was hiding something. So I asked again about the artwork. This time he told me Riley, a little girl in his class, drew them at home and brought them to school today.

There are two Rileys in Keagan's class and so I had to clarify the identity of the little girl. Keagan replied that it was the "not cute Riley" that drew the pictures and then furthered revealed to Evan that this is the same Riley that told him in class on Monday that he was handsome. Later he said, "I don't know why she always wants to play dogs and chase me around the playground." Oh, for puppy love!

Riley's beautiful rainbow pictures have been put away for safe keeping. They now sit next to the wonderful pictures that Campbell drew Evan two years ago. I am hoping to meet the master rainbow artist very soon! 

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