Thanks for the calls of concern, the emails, the messages, and
just the general questions all of you have had this past week as we have
struggled to come to terms with our disappointments. The Army deleted our
original orders to Vicenza, Italy for reasons that we wish to not elaborate
upon because it makes Wes's blood pressure rise and tears to come to my eyes.
After several therapy sessions involving Reece's peanut butter assorted two
pound bags of candy (I didn't even know this assortment of fine chocolate even
existed until I went to Target last week wishing to buy my way to happiness), I
think I have recovered. Wes went to assignments on Thursday, and after profuse
apologies and statements like "it is out of our hands" and other statements
that went something like "blah, blah, blah" we were promised any duty
station of our choice. I feel the conversation went something like this.
Assignments: We are so sorry about this situation. We will be happy to send you anywhere you would like. Name your place.
Wes: Fort Sam Houston, Texas please.
Assignments: Well, any place but there. That locale is at max capacity.
Wes: Okay well you tell me what you have open and we will go from there.
Assignments: How about Fort Drum, NY?
Wes: I can feel the frost bite on my toes already. Next option.
Assignments: Fort Dix, NJ. It is only a couple of hours drive from Philadelphia.
Wes: Philly? I went there once. That was enough for me. Next.
Assignments: Fort Campbell, KY
Wes: Yeah, I really don't think my wife would fit in with the rolling hills of Kentucky.
Assignments: Korea is always open.
Wes: I have been there before. It's a country filled with little people who eat kimchi for every meal.
Assignments: Fort Bliss, Texas is really struggling for agents.
Wes: That's in the middle of the Juarez drug cartel where people are kidnapped and murdered daily. I might as well go to Afghanistan.
Assignments: Fort Hood - they really need some new agents this spring and it's home for you.
Wes: Have you been to Texas? It can take two days to drive from one end to the other. I might as well be in Kansas because it is just as close.
Assignments (By now the humor of the one-liners is weighing heavy on the lady in the cubicle behind the computer screen): I can send you to Vicenza working in a different capacity.
Wes: Okay. This is better. What else?
Assignments: Germany has an opening in Schweinfurt. I can give you Fort Stewart outside of Savannah, or I can send you to Fort Gordon in Augusta, Georgia.
So there you have it. We have some possible answers to the move we will make in six weeks! We still have to make the decision and make it quickly. I feel like another bag of peanut butter cups may be in order.
Assignments: We are so sorry about this situation. We will be happy to send you anywhere you would like. Name your place.
Wes: Fort Sam Houston, Texas please.
Assignments: Well, any place but there. That locale is at max capacity.
Wes: Okay well you tell me what you have open and we will go from there.
Assignments: How about Fort Drum, NY?
Wes: I can feel the frost bite on my toes already. Next option.
Assignments: Fort Dix, NJ. It is only a couple of hours drive from Philadelphia.
Wes: Philly? I went there once. That was enough for me. Next.
Assignments: Fort Campbell, KY
Wes: Yeah, I really don't think my wife would fit in with the rolling hills of Kentucky.
Assignments: Korea is always open.
Wes: I have been there before. It's a country filled with little people who eat kimchi for every meal.
Assignments: Fort Bliss, Texas is really struggling for agents.
Wes: That's in the middle of the Juarez drug cartel where people are kidnapped and murdered daily. I might as well go to Afghanistan.
Assignments: Fort Hood - they really need some new agents this spring and it's home for you.
Wes: Have you been to Texas? It can take two days to drive from one end to the other. I might as well be in Kansas because it is just as close.
Assignments (By now the humor of the one-liners is weighing heavy on the lady in the cubicle behind the computer screen): I can send you to Vicenza working in a different capacity.
Wes: Okay. This is better. What else?
Assignments: Germany has an opening in Schweinfurt. I can give you Fort Stewart outside of Savannah, or I can send you to Fort Gordon in Augusta, Georgia.
So there you have it. We have some possible answers to the move we will make in six weeks! We still have to make the decision and make it quickly. I feel like another bag of peanut butter cups may be in order.

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