Saturday, November 21, 2009

Where's the Flag, Ref?

When Evan came up from making a tackle today spitting out grass, another mom of a player from our team yelled, "That's what I like to see. Tackling so hard you take a bite of the ground!" I knew instantly we were meant to be best friends. I wished I would have seen her more often on the sidelines because with this little comment, I felt an immediate connection. It's not every day I find another mother who follows the game as closely as I do, or who yells at the ref when bad calls are made. She didn't bring a magazine to read, and there was no collapsible chair on her shoulder when she arrived. She was pacing the sidelines with each play just like I was. However, today was the last game of the fall season, and beyond the introductions of "Hi, I am Jordan's mom" and "I am Evan's mom", we were so caught up with missed holding calls, we didn't make much conversation. Wes says I will meet plenty of moms just like me once we get to Georgia, but my experience tells me that today was a unique situation.

I have registered both boys to play in the spring. I think Keagan was persuaded to play by Evan because Evan wants so desperately to win next season. He believes that he and Keagan will play the roles of Romo and Witten (those are Cowboy greats for you non-Texans), and in the months ahead, they will perfect a couple of plays (ie Evan will pass the ball to Keagan and watch him run) that will take the other teams by surprise. No one will expect the small white boy to be any good. I am certain Evan is banking on this!

Thanks to this season's coaches who proved that Evan was ready to play the game of football and that God gave me boys because He knew how much I would enjoy bundling up in forty degree weather to yell, "Holding!" and "Where's the flag, ref?"

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