Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Ninja's Newest Member

Whereas Evan has been blessed with a wonderful soccer coach, Keagan has not been so lucky. I realize it is recreational soccer and that he is only five years old, but the Toole boys and the Toole boys' mama only know competitive soccer. As a result, we expect the coach do a little more than just pass out a snack schedule and wear a whistle. We want drills, laps, and called plays. We also expect any male coach to refrain from wearing any foundation or concealer make up, and because Wes is certain Keagan's coach did just that, we went into the season with a few doubts. After the coach didn't show for last week's game and Wes was out in his Sunday best running drills before the game, we decided we needed to begin the hard search for a real soccer coach. It's more difficult than you might think, and as much as you might be thinking this, it has nothing to do with the level of expectations that I might have. Luckily we think we have found him.

Next season, Keagan will play for Coach Bob, and because he has weekly practices that include drills with cones, wears tank tops (it seems like a realy manly, sporty thing to do), and doesn't wear any make-up, we feel certain he will be a good match for us. Even without the coach, the team has a lot to offer. Keagan will be playing with his best friend Mason, and although Keagan will attempt to create game winning plays with his BFF, Mason will be sure to keep him grounded with discussions of Star Wars and battle scenes. We don't stop there, though. The team also has a very fierce name. The Ninjas. 

On January 9 we begin the indoor winter season with the Ninjas. Here's to Coach Bob and the new team! 

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