Monday, October 19, 2009

Movies on Demand

We have Fios with Verizon and we have the option to order movies on demand. Each month the choices change. This evening, when the boys were supposed to be watching Jimmy Neutron on Nickolodean, Evan crept up the stairs and whispered so that Wes would not hear, "Mom, can you come downstairs for a sec?" I knew it was bad because besides whispering he was also biting his nails. This was a sure sign he was nervous about something. When I got downstairs he stated, "I think we just ordered a movie. I think we just ordered Bridge to Terabithia." What???? I don't even know how to order a movie with the Verizon remote, but when I asked Evan how he did it, the process was simple enough. He pushed "on demand" and then scrolled through the icons until he found the movie he wanted. Unfortunately, it was too late to cancel the movie and so we now owe $4.99 for the movie that the boys will watch half an hour of before it is time for bed.
When I informed them of their mistake and that they now owed me $5.00, the boys quickly got nervous. They decided they would go through their piggy banks and scrape together the money necessary to make the needed amount. When they decided that was too much work, both boys returned to me and said, "We don't have five one dollar bills, but we think this will be about $5.00." And then I got the biggest laugh of all day! From behind his back Evan pulled out the prized possession worth five dollars. Somehow, when the Verizon bill arrives next month, I am supposed to pay the bill with his plastic dinosaur that accompanied last month's Happy Meal! 

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