Friday, October 30, 2009

Weekend Sports Update #6

Patriots Football
It would have been great if we could have won this game. The coaches for the other team play dirty and a win would have been sweet revenge. Not that I am a vengeful person or anything.... 

Rockies T-Ball Last game of the fall season
I asked if the coaches planned to take a team again in the spring, but they didn't seem too interested. Since all four of their boys play in the dirt and try to skip playing as much as possible, I feel certain that is a negative. If we are here in March, then I need to start shopping for a new coach. Keagan asked if Italians play baseball, and I told him no. I didn't have the heart to tell him that it appears the Army has yet another plan for our lives and we won't be living in Italy next summer, but since I have no idea where we will be living, I said nothing. It wouldn't matter anyway because just as soon as we were actually told, it would change all over again. As you can clearly read, I have no hard feelings over the situation at all. I am completely fine with the idea of living in the midst of Confederate flags and humidity higher than any human should have to endure.

United Soccer
What's so say that hasn't been blogged in the last three years? Evan scored and we won! 

Icebergs Soccer
Keagan scored again and again; our team won.

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