Saturday, October 10, 2009

First Football Game

No practice. No hour long drills. No skills camp. This was the real thing. Evan's wish to play a game of football finally came true! I have always hoped that he would find something other than football to love and play. Even if I grew up in Texas where football players are next in line to God, I have always thought that most football players are just plain dumb. Very few players actually have much going on other than speed or a tight spiral, and because my boys are near geniuses, they really should be playing some sport other than football. Or so I thought until today. 

Watching my baby score his first touchdown and make more tackles than I can count was enough for me to change my mind. If I can be a soccer mom, then I can be an even better football mom. And with Wes wringing his palms together while pacing the sidelines next to me, I think we can even be the parents that wear matching jerseys with our son's number 19 and TOOLE emblazened on our backs. Watch out Team 3! We're ready for some football!

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