Saturday, October 24, 2009

Weekend Sport Update: #5

Patriots Football
Only three mothers actually attended today's football game. While the other two mothers looked at fashion magazines and sat curled up under their umbrellas with their coats pulled tightly around their waists, I was walking the sidelines in the rain with all of the dads cheering for the Patriots. I really don't know how anyone can sit because I feel compelled to yell encouraging words like, "Pursue the angles, Evan" and "run him out of bounds" and "stay deep", and the boys can't hear you if you aren't standing right there in the middle of the action. I have no idea why I waited so long to sign Evan up for flag football, and I am already stressed about finding a flag football team in Italy. Evan plays and loves football like Keagan plays and loves soccer. The two go hand in hand, and I smell money when he walks onto the field, or at least a scholarship. Okay maybe that is a bit premature, but I would like to believe it is true so I write it.

United Soccer
I guess the threat of rain scared the other team into not showing, or maybe they just didn't want to play Team United. Either way Evan volunteered to play for the other team because he knew he would be guaranteed play time if he did. We are already working on getting him on an Italian soccer team once we get to Vicenza. I have my peeps working on it as we speak. We have explained to Evan that this means he must be willing to learn some Italian. So far it is going really well. He has learned how to say "the man drives the car" and because this is related to youth soccer in so many ways I feel certain that there will be no problems communicating with the other Italian boys.

Icebergs Soccer
I lost count at ten goals, and that was the number Keagan had scored on his own. Seriously. This is the boy that WILL play Italian soccer. Evan told him, "Keagan, you have to play Italian soccer because all of the teams will fight to have you on their team." Keagan said in Italian, "the baby eats", and that was proof that he is more than ready.

We arrived home from our sequence of games just in time because within minutes the bottom fell out of the sky. We washed the mud off of the boys, took some well deserved naps, and then prepared apricot pork chops. Life is great!

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