Saturday, October 31, 2009


The boys love Halloween almost as much as Christmas! They have been anxiously awaiting tonight for weeks!

Snake Eyes and Indiana Jones

We first took the boys trick or treating on our old street in Montclair. We stopped at a friends' house on our way back home. Keagan and Josh are in the same class this year; Evan and Caleb were in the same class last year.

 When our neighbor, Mr. Fennelson, saw Keagan in his Indiana Jones hat, he had to put his on, too. We have been blessed with wonderful neighbors while living in Montclair. The boys look forward to Mr. Fennelson's arrival from work every afternoon and they would spend every Saturday afternoon "piddlin'" with him in the garage if I would let them.

When we returned home, the boys dumped their baskets to take a closer look at their loot. As they tore into boxes of drops and pieces of laffy taffy, I heard Evan say, "This was the best Halloween ever!" 

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