Sunday, August 31, 2008

Kissing Hand

If you read the post below, then you know that Evan has been less than enthusiastic about school. He tells me he doesn't want to go to school because he would rather spend the day with me. However, I know better. I know the real reason is because he is nervous about doing something different. He doesn't handle transitions or new situations well (I guess this Army life thing is not the best for a boy like Evan!).

Because I will be greeting my own students on Tuesday morning and Wes will be in a foreign country, The daycare provider will be taking him to his first day of school. Ms. Desi, his best friend's mother, will be walking him to the door. In order to insure that Evan knows I will be thinking of him, I have created a "kissing hand." If you know the book, then you know the beautiful story of a raccoon heading out to school for the first time. His mother kisses his palm and tells him to hold his palm to his cheek anytime he is scared or lonely, and the kiss of his mother will travel through his cheek to warm his heart.

After reading this book several times with Evan, I had a similar idea. I had planned to draw a heart on the palm of his hand so that he would be reminded that I would be with him, in spirit at least, as he completes the first day. Evan reluctantly agreed to this. In fact, he later said, "I can't believe I am going to do this."

Today, while watching TV, we saw a commercial where the mom does something similar for her daughter's first day of school. Evan saw it and said, "You mean other people know about the kissing hand. I thought we were the only ones." Now that others might know, I am afraid the idea of drawing hearts on the hand is a no-go.

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