Thursday, August 28, 2008

Kinder Orientation

For weeks we have tried to persuade Evan that kindergarten will be fun. We have ordered and read books about "big" school. We have had a playdate with another boy that will be attending Henderson. We have highlighted the parts that we know he will enjoy: the library, gym class, recess, reading books, science experiments, etc. We have prayed about it with him. But it has been all to no avail.

We learned last weekend that Evan's teacher is Ms. H. Interestingly enough she is someone that we already knew because she lives three houses down from us. Tonight we went to Henderson for the kindergarten orientation. As we were inundated with information about the school, my anxiety levels rose. I began to realize that the first week will be overwhelming for Evan, and he has every right to not want to go.

The kids were required to leave the parents for the duration of adult talk, but Evan didn't balk at the idea of going to the classroom with the teacher. He met his classmates, a fairly diverse group, and decided that he wants to make friends with the boy named Ben because he has the name of his favorite cartoon character. He learned that he has been assigned to the orange team with another boy with an E name, and best of all, he learned that he can buy ice cream after lunch. While getting ready for bed tonight, Evan decided that he might like kindergarten after all. He said, "First I was scared, but I think kindergarten might be cool after all." And so with visions of ice cream, outside recess on the big playground, and a possible new friendship with Ben, Evan is finally excited about school! We are now counting down until the big day...only five more days.

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