Monday, August 4, 2008

A Great Start to a New Week

This morning the boys attended Bubble Camp. I scheduled it weeks ago so that I would have a few hours to work in my classroom. As luck would have it, we had a fire at the school. The secretarial staff and I were evacuated. And so I found myself with an hour to spare, no kids...What would I do? I got a pedicure, drank a diet coke, and browsed the aisles of Borders. What could be better than that? 

The theme at Bubble Camp was "messy day" and it was truly messy. The boys' clothes are covered in claydough, their legs are stained with green food coloring, and they smell of shaving cream. They had pizza for lunch, read a book, and played on the gym equipment. They were upset to see that I was the first parent to arrive for pick-up.

And so we all had a great day that might not have gone as entirely planned, but we all return home with smiles on our faces.

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