Monday, August 25, 2008

Jungle Adventure

Keagan celebrated his fourth birthday on Sunday at Gymboree with a few of his friends from school. He had a wonderful time catching up with his friends that he hasn't seen in two months, and he loved being the center of attention for the duration of the party. 

Of all the birthday parties we have planned in the last six years, this, by far, was the easiest and the most fun. I ordered a cake and picked up a few balloons; the crew at Gymboree did everything else. (They even offered to write and mail the invites!) The kids had a great time singing, dancing, and playing on the gym equipment. We blew bubbles, went on an animal adventure with our Diego telescopes, and made tents with parachutes. 

Wes summed it up best when he looked at me at the end of the party and said, "That was the best party ever, Baby. We didn't have to clean up a thing. Let's do it again in November." Unfortunately, Evan will be too old. There is an age limit at Gymboree, and so we will again be on the look-out for another birthday location in November!

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