Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Promised Land

I have arrived in Texas with mixed emotions. On the one hand this trip marks the end to our summer vacation. When we return, I go back to work full time, Evan begins kindergarten, and Keagan attends JK. I have enjoyed my time with the boys, and I hate to see it end. On the flip side, we look forward to relaxing at "home", spending time with our family, and meeting our new niece or nieces. 

We begin our trip in Mt. Pleasant, my home town. The boys wasted no time jumping in the pool. I think we were in the door only five minutes before they went for their first swim. They have already been in the pool two times today, and they have spent countless minutes playing soccer, basketball, and t-ball. 

And the fun has just begun...We have nine more days to soak up the sun and enjoy our last week of vacation with the family!

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