Tuesday, August 5, 2008

We Need a Doctor...Fast!

It was bound to happen. Especially since Evan had three trips to the ER before the age of three. Today, while I was at work and Wes was watching the boys (I had to add that piece!), Keagan fell off the bed and hit his mouth on the foot board. He bit the inside corner of his lip/mouth, and according to Evan, "blood was everywhere!" Wes was able to get the bleeding to stop right about the time I pulled into the driveway. However, he still had a gaping hole in his mouth from where his teeth bit into the skin. We debated our plan of action...Go to urgent care. Go to the clinic. Go to the ER. Do nothing and hope for the best. 

And so Wes did the first three and some places twice because our insurance company gave us the run around. As it turns out, Keagan is too young to have stitches in his mouth. He was given an antibiotic to keep away any infection. He is not allowed to eat any crumbly food and I am to swab the wound with hydrogen peroxide after every meal. I told Wes I got the raw end of the deal. What three year old is going to allow you to rub that on an open wound?

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