Tuesday, September 2, 2008

First Day of School

This might be the only year that Evan leaves for the first day of school with this big of a smile. He is just so stinkin' cute, too! Gosh! I can't believe he is in kindergarten already.

 When I met him at the after school care bus today, he had very little to say about school. He admitted to having fun, he made two new friends (Jordan and he can't remember the other's name), he had chicken tenders with chocolate milk for lunch, and he got to see the gym. I guess if you are in kindergarten, then this is the most important information you can pass along to your mom. 

Not wanting to be left out, Keagan just had to have a backpack, too. It will probably only carry his nap blanket and stuffy, but he is so proud of it!

Keagan's first day of Jr. Kindergarten went really well, too. All of his friends plus one "really bad boy" played outside and he had meatballs for lunch. Again, the most important information was relayed to us here at home.

A new school year begins....

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