Friday, September 12, 2008

All Dressed Up and No Place to Go

It doesn't have to be October 31 for my boys to put on a costume. In fact, it could be said that Halloween is celebrated year around with our assortment of costumes. When the boys saw the first Halloween merchandise on display at Target two weeks ago, they were beyond excited. To make things worse, the annual Costume Express magazine arrived in the mail just days later. It didn't take long for both boys to decide their costumes of choice, and as soon as their minds were settled, they were determined to buy them. So on Sunday I struck a deal: Be obedient, make good decisions, and on Friday, we will go shopping for costumes. The boys had an awesome week, and today we went to Target to buy Darth Vader and Boba Fett. But the boys will not wait until October 31 to put them on. Our first Star Wars battle just ended and so far both costumes are still intact.

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